Thursday, August 31, 2006

Gururaj Rai

I joined the band in 1998 and joined the clarinet section . My immediate senior Chandrasekhar, better known as Moon, was an ardent Maynard Fan. Our daily practice sessions of Fireworks Music & Souza Marches would always end with tales of Maynard.

We were next introduced to some Maynard music, the high squeaks and the jazzy beats of These Cats can Swing was something that still rings in my ear and I often play this in my office.

We were always excited to have him with us for the practice sessions and fondly called him “Grandpa”. I remember one evening he arrived dressed in a Hawaiian shirt! This was something we do not usually see in Puttaparthy. He looked really cool! Maynard started the session with his huge bursting laughter and chatter, keeping his right hand up in the air, in a typical Maynard style "this means I am lying".

Those are moments we all cherish. It was amazing to have him play with us for some Christmas Carols. His presence made such a difference to our performance.

Dear Maynard, Your music and the moments spent with us would always be tales that would be told to generation Next.

We miss you Boss......


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